Monday, October 22, 2018

G3 antidote

Jimmy Ripp


The following Monday after the Foster Graham tragedy at the law firm of which he was vice president and active partner of.

(Thomas runs into the executive lounge where several of the staff were smoking cigars and drinking snifters of Brandy and exclaims)

“ Oh my God guys did you hear about Foster he was partying all night for his birthday at the Club C-O and ended up going back to his apartment with seven women and I hear they all killed him and robbed him!”

(Patrick, who is one of the higher up attorneys the firms totem pole, intercedes and says)

No,no, no! That is inaccurate. It is called Club C.E.O. Thomas something you wouldn't ever spell anyway and it wasn't his birthday although he was at his apartment but it was with a woman whose husband it followed them there and killed them both In cold blood out of jealousy.

(New acting vice president and soon-to-be partner of the law firm Katrina Vasquez enters the executive lounge and says)

‘Everyone I have an announcement  Something tragic has happened to our vice president Foster Graham.  He was shot 7 times in the chest in his apartment and died instantly last Friday night. While there was no robbery,clear motive or even a break in evident, police are asking anyone with any info to contact Detective Briscoe at 555-1365. Those of you who are friends or Foster can contact his next of kin for any funeral arrangements by speaking to his uncle Ricky or step aunt Anne at 555-1315 a counselor is on staff today for anybody needing someone to talk to regarding this tragedy. It's a sad thing and hopefully the police will find the man responsible.

(As Katrina leaves Patrick asks)

Excuse me Mrs. Vasquez but is that Poison by Victoria's Secret you're wearing?”

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