Monday, October 22, 2018

The surfer photo

Surfer Photo

By : Jimmy Ripp

     The aggro surfer stand in the sand barefoot on the beach. Feeling the grains of sand  in between his toes as the gravel begins to cover an annoy his feet.

      He stares deeply into the waves. Analyzing them with his glare. He can see their patterns.

       The oceanic smells of salt water and sea life overwhelm his nasal passages. The sun browns his skin to a very dark tone.

        He can taste the sea water still from his prior wipeout that left him in pain that body will never soon forget and his soul is scarred by.

       Fear is long gone though. He is fully committed to conquer the savage waves Mother Nature has put out.

       He almost has to.  Driven by his passion and love of surfing. He cannot allow the wave to conquer him.

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