Thursday, March 1, 2018

The illiad

James Saling

Short essay #1

(The Iliad)


     There are many times in history that one can say yep that's going to be remembered for sure. Homer's writing of The Iliad relating it to the Greeks is easily something that would be used as a reference guide even today's current society.

       The Iliad was the story of Achilles the mythical figure and perfect symbol or poster child for what the definition of what hubris was. Achilles mother, herself a God, told him if he stayed out of the war of the Trojans he would get married and have many babies living a long happy life. However if he chose to fight in the Trojan War for the Greeks he would be glorious and brave in battle and his name forever remembered throughout the sands of time.

         Tragically this great Glory also came hand-in-hand with his own demise. Knowing what will make him great will also be his undoing , he still chooses to fight anyway.


       Homer was trying to help prevent this from happening to the Greeks as well. He could see that the Greeks for feeling so much pride and their own feeling of greatness was to be the sole reason for their downfall as well.

        The Greeks knowing this and what it would lead to could not help themselves in preventing it irregardless. Coming to no surprise they did suffer the similar fate of The Iliad’s hero Achilles. The hubris of both Achilles and the Greeks making them great it also made it possible for for their demise.

       This is a perfect reflection of people even in today's society. clearly if you lead was a standard paperback it would truly be a definition of a classic that's relevance can stand the test of people and time.

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