Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A star is born sonnet

James saling
Sonnet “A star is born”

                        A Star is Born

What constitutes being a star
Being more than a ball of gas
How can one be a star
To answer that is to not ask

A star is born on Earth
As it is up in the skies
Just like it's birth
Can die before our eyes

We can all shine just as brilliant
As our counterpart in the sky at night
Yet take an enteral day of time
To reach our visions sight

Our magnificence can be unmeasurable
Our value unquestionably undefined
Yet being a star has the fine print
we will not read and understand the underlined

So why become a star at all
If we can Shine yet die so fast
When you see it for what it is

We all Stars when full of gas

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