Saturday, March 3, 2018

Code of hammurabi

James saling

Short essay 2

(Code of hammurabi)

          History being completely open to interpretation and perception can cause Skeptics to want to debate many different things The Code of Hammurabi rule was documented to leave very little room or gray areas and in my 1790 BCE The Babylon King issued laws concerning everything from crime punishment legal procedure and even marriage. This was the Code of Hammurabi.

       Meant to be reassuring to  others this priest-king had divine duty to uphold maintain justice and punish the wicked while upholding the welfare and wellbeing of the people.

       The first set of laws written in stone to be followed or supper Justice in the eye for an eye concept with over a 782 laws by contrast to today's society doesn't seem like much.  Clearly though they had issues on the table that were affecting all of them.

         While the feeling of some laws being a little bit much while others being too little was probably common, it  was thought that to behave and enjoy life now was the best option in this day in age. We clearly see how in a chaotic society and civilization does not and cannot see a world without chaos as a reality. Following laws and doing what you should was in your best interest. For the laws made had swift and harsh punishment that our society  would feel was a bit extreme but. Having laws knowing broken laws can have justice be served may have truly made the average guy feel so much safer.

       It wouldn't even be the tip of the iceberg nowadays but its relevance to create some kind of order to avoid chaos the Code of Hammurabi certainly did that for its time.

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