Thursday, March 1, 2018

A written poetic speech from a member of the gay community

No name

“I’m Screaming ! Don’t pretend you can’t see me!”

/my voice is like a ginsu knife

/ it cuts and slices

/ even if i try to be nice

/ my gay tone scares you

/like a movie from vincent price

/ when you go to sleep

/ you can't fall

/into a deep sleep

/ homosexuallity keeps you up so late

/you count sheep

/ so why should i

/try to fight

/ a stereotype
/ you seem to like

/ i don't care

/it makes people like me unite

/ to shatter that berlin type wall

/in to bits

/ and if trump builds another

/it's on bitch

/ so take a deep breath as if

/you don't have another left
/ trying to educate or understand you

/would take until i face death

/ so jus like when veterans

/fought for better lands

/ you know i ain't tryin to hear your shit

/so talk to both hands

/ so try to just lock us all up

/into the closet like a dam cage

/ then you will see our rage

/ bitch ima make news


/ read my headline  

/you piece of bigot

/today's your deadline

/ shut up and you already spoke

/ now its my time !

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