Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Desired connection.....lost.

Desired Connection….Lost

                    By :

             James Saling

James Saling

Desired Connection…..Lost.

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Created by a force unseen.

As quite often unspoken soul searches become desired connections lost.

Lost in a sea of unmeasured quantities of discoveries unfound.

The taste of the cravings inside that incite a conflict circle of constant inner civil war making virtue and morality victimized by motives misconstrued.

From a fire meant not to burn down the forest of comfort zone created by the connections carrier.

More so meant to actually to only kindle light into those feared expected elements of the landscape that the desired connection was mapped to travel upon.

Consequently extinguishing its own enlightenment.

Preventing the discovery of that desired connection.

Conquering the emotion of a cold blizzard of clouded feelings to focused on the negative aspect of the consequences to receive the will power not meant to be evoked.

This was a meant to feel desired connection and giving in to its euphoria while being aware of the mountains striations of challenges was the accepted fine line of which not to cross.

Without a viewable saved link that can restore this desired connection…..lost now are moments not meant to be missed when not wishing to change from roads more traveled.

Options had no extended deadlines available with no settings to be modified.

Events had to be experienced in the blink of an eye on the timeline of universal desired connections offered.

James Saling

Desired Connection….Lost

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For if left unused they were certain to not be available desired connections available again.

When kindred spirits placed on the same desire connection are done so for that is where a greater power had placed them.

So while content and complacent when this occurs.

The only action needed is to become lost in its transition so no uncertain worries and the clear specifications are absorbed with understood meanings.

While there will surely be countless future desired connections.

In the one faced with now nothing else can be viewed relevant for it would cause fears apprehensions and hesitations into both entities these souls represent.

The continued eternal string of desired connections which were created to be embraced will always battle the timeline they travel on.

In a flash of the seconds hand like a kiss can force a skipped heartbeat they come appear and vanish just as abruptly.

Sadly without trust and faith in the resolve of the karma that tests the intended similar to a shooting star traveling in a eye’s blink across infinite space.

Without inhibitions it will always be a desired connection…….lost.

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