Thursday, March 1, 2018

Licensed only need apply

James Saling

Prof. Daux

Speech Debate

Claim : There must be mandated requirements and licensing to be able to have children in the United States.

    The United States needs to mandate requiring licenses for those wishing to have children.  There are so many children brought into this world by unfit parents.  Many of whom are consistently unsupervised.  

      Lisa Belkin who is a writer and author did a journal article for the New York Times. Belkin spoke of a young 2nd grade boy who had missed his school bus. Since the boy was unable to wake his mother he simply grabbed the keys to the family Ford Taurus and proceeded to drive himself to school. After unsuccessfully navigating the streets he swerved off the road and struck a light post suffering very mild injuries. The boy said he learned how to drive from playing the very violent,gang,fighting,murder,robbery and prostitution filled video game called “Grand Theft Auto”.These were news stories Belkin had obtained from the very reputable Associated Press.

There are requirements to drive a car. You must have a license to catch a fish.  There are training and prerequisites for many things in this world yet the single most important duty of raising our children requires nothing but a willing conceiver and an eager donator. Hank Pellissier , a well known philosopher and author from Ethical Technologies Inc. suggested that people be required to perform and pass a battery of tests to be permitted to procreate. His seminal journal essay titled “Licensed Parents” made the point that doctors must have years of schooling before they are permitted to go out and save lives. Teachers must have years of schooling as well before they are permitted to educate. Yet the most important role in a child's life may be obtained by anyone able to bear children ?

There are so many people/couples trying to adopt due to not being able to have kids of their own and they must meet certain criteria to do so.  Sperm donors have a list of things to pass in order just to donate sperm to a bank.  A woman wanting artificial insemination must pass a multitude of prerequisites just to have that done.  Author and Editor of “Should Parents Be Licensed?” Peg Tittle demonstrated a scenario that was very difficult to oppose. Traditionalists view having children as a natural right . Now that being a fair point completely this doesn't have to be a right that is taken away. It certainly should remain a right just with the understanding that some certain criteria must be met in the best interests of the unborn child as well as the would be parents.Now while some pregnancies are certainly unplanned and others were not wanted at all it leaves abortion or adoption as options as well. So with the adoption in mind the focus on what that all includes in the way of being able to adopt a child. These people wanting to adopt a baby due to not being able body to have their own want a child to love and care for and raise into an adult and cherish the child's life. They are sent through a series of tests to ensure the standards necessary are met before being allowed to adopt. Shouldn't they just have the natural right as well even though they are unable to conceive themselves. Why must they have to meet requirements with those who can bear child don't have to ?

    Kyle Munkittrick a scholar and writer for Discover Magazine did a research article titled “Please present your breeder's license” . While discussing A.R.T. (assisted reproductive techniques) and touched on the subjects of sperm donation and artificial insemination. He went on to reveal the incredibly strict policies and high standard requirements that were necessary to qualify for either of these things. Then he pointed out but no prerequisites are needed for any fertile or able person not needing these medical assisted means of procreation.

    Munkittrick also went on to quote Hugh Lafollette who was also a great scholar and psychologist who said that licenses are not designed to select only the best of the best. They are used to prohibit those that demonstrate significant shortcomings in the area of which they are seeking a license in.

       So with these experts and this concept that will better ensure that children are brought into this world and raised by suitable parenting not to mention the controlling of over population.  Mandating licensing for those wanting to have children is clearly a necessity and does not take away a person's rights but rather ensure they commit no wrongs.  

   Works/Sources Cited

Lisa Belkin author, New York Times,Associated Press , Journal Article 2009

Kyle Munkittrick , author , 2010 “Please Present Your Breeder's License” Discover Magazine co-author and source used Hugh Lafollette

Peg Title author , publication editor, “Should Parents Be Licensed?” 2004

Hank Pellissier , Author “Licensed Parents” philosopher , Ethical Tech Inc .

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