Thursday, March 1, 2018


James saling

Prof. Daux

Speech debate

Censorship briefs

Claim- the fcc needs to mandate censorship of adult content from minors in all medias and if violated their parent/ guardian may face fines or potentially jail.

Making parental controls an automatic feature enforced on all cable systems. Too often kids are left with free will to any programming they can change a channel to. This will enable the absent parent no choice and no problems with attempting to enable a passcode. Upon signing up for any cable service there will be a questionnaire asking if there are non-adults under 18 in the household and automatic blocking with password required will be enable.

A study done by “Covenant Eyes” watchdog and software company showed 9 out of 10 boys and 6 out of 10 girls had been exposed to hardcore pornography. 12% of all kids under 18 have seen child porn . 30% of all teens studied age 17 had sent or received sexual photo/texts messages.**(1C)**

A well known published writer Lenore Skenazy caused a worldwide uproar when she wrote a newspaper column about how she would allow her nine year old to ride the subway home alone at night. So she would not restrict his television or other media outlets feeling that it was helping educate him as to what kind of world is potentially out there. **(1F)**

As reported by a study done from experts at the print and online publication Sciencedaily . Those under the age of 18  60%  spend about 20 hours or more in front of a television , computer or android screen. Even more so one third of that equation spends closer to 40 hours. That is a lot of time that could be spent viewing information , content and misdirected examples that children should not see.  **(1A)**

The CNN website reported the AAP National Conference suggested that children should be very limited to only 60 minutes of T.V./ 120 of cinema in a 24 hour period and the content being age appropriate has proven more well adjusted children when not permitted content not meant to be viewed and certainly not without parental consent or company. **(1B)**

The Motion Picture Association of American and Television with their ratings have very little meaning when not enforced by parents and perhaps some parents are just simply unable to cover every second of their child's lives. A very credited printed author James Hamilton,writer of the book “Television Violence and Public Policy” speaks of solutions like the V-Chip that can make this burden so much more manageable for parents. **(1E)**

There has been an invention called the “V-CHIP” which enables this censoring to take place with no extra work , effort or discretion require by the parent or guardian . Invented and patented by John Gardner and Brett West in 1994 it simply receives a special code from the programming on its ratings due to sex, violence and language. It then would scramble the programming making it not viewable without the proper passcode to disable it for that show. The good part was how it would only be disabled for that single show if a passcode was entered. This would make it so much easier for parents and guardians to monitor and limit what content their children were able to see based on their own discretions. No content would viewable if it carried a certain rating without the proper passcode. **(1D)**

Sites/works/sources cited

1A)---American Heart Association, Sciencedaily Pub., Study/Survey,, co:authors - Jennifer O'Loughlin PHD. , Marie Lambert MD., Mark Daniel PHD.

1B) , Website report on AAP National Conference, American Academy of Pediatrics.

1C)---Deseret Family News , Covenant Eyes Software Co. Study, statistics,print publication

1D)---Montgomery, Kathryn C. Generation Digital:politics, commerce, and childhood in the age of the internet. (2007) The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.

1E)---University of Michigan Press , Author -James Hamilton , book titled “Television Violence and Public Policy”

1F)---Writer Lenore Skenazy, Founder of Free-range Kids Movement, Newspaper column

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