Thursday, March 1, 2018

Oldest profession

James Saling (with Luis )

Speech Debate Class

Favoring the legalization of prostitution

   Make “Providers” Provide

          There is a well known profession that has carried the moniker “world's oldest profession”. Nowadays these members of this workforce like to refer to themselves as “escorts” or even “providers”. No matter what name you use they all are simply people who trade sexual favors for money.  This line of work, older than our country itself,will always be an issue. So instead of the current system to combat this “crime” a clear more well suited solution is to embrace it, assign a legislation, establish realistic laws to properly moderate it and tax the hell out of the incomes of these “fantasy fulfillers”.

        First off let's discuss the obvious financial aspects of this. According to ….the average upscale ‘provider’ can make about $100,000 a year . A report from ...says there are approximately ….workers of this type in the United States. Simple math on what kind of tax money that alone could generate could be used for so many great causes and issues this country has.

      The only way to beat disease is to deny it life or a host . such as HIV . with the regulated federal stipulations having STRICT guidelines not only could it lower those getting infected but also assist those who didn't know they were infecting people.under these guidelines and rules for health safety more would seek out the properly monitored provider for their own sake and safety .making these and many rules like it the fine print u have to read .these would have the best interest of the client , the provider and the rest of the population that could become exposed to the one or the other .

       James Salinger (with luis )

Speech debate Class

In favor of legalizing prostitution

Research,  sources and other topics and sources Cited

Categories of Predicted Debate rebuttals and questions .

Category 1 - Health and public safety

a)the only way to beat disease is to deny it life or a host . such as HIV . with the regulated federal stipulations having STRICT guidelines not only could it lower those getting infected but also assist those who didn't know they were infecting people.

b)under these guidelines and rules for health safety more would seek out the properly monitored provider for their own sake and safety .

c)making these and many rules like it the fine print u have to read . These would have the best interest of the client , the provider and the rest of the population that could become exposed to the one or the other .

Category 2 - Financial , both fed and state and how to regulate this




Category 3 - How and where to regulate and enforce safer streets less crime violence etc

a) more often than not prostitutes are in their profession by their own choice and many consider this a victimless crime when the usual “Trick/Provider” is between 2 consenting adults.

b)many “providers” such as Veronica Montel feel like they are doing work that is more honest and just as hardworking as anyone and more so than crooked CEOs and other unsavory political figures.

c)protect and serve my ass ! in a well documented case of a serial killer Gary Ridgway said he only targeted and preyed on Prostitutes because he said he knew that there would be very little effort done in attempting to apprehend him for these crimes because he was doing the police a favor and they knew it,

d)It is estimated that rape and similar acts of violence toward women would decrease by 25% in the very first year alone.

Category 4 - the moral issue of it all religious morality etc.

a)well they say why is it illegal to charge what most freely give away daily and when they do it's not a sin or immoral now?

b)The head of the coalations against porngraphy Dorn Checkly was quoted as saying “......No no no I said that prostitution as an entirety is an institution of immorality. “

c) It's thought that prostitution is demeaning to women. Lenore Kuo a renowned psychologist and writer show facts figures and surveys that showed out of the men that they approached as seen the video feed below. Were the ones who felt degraded , deceived and exploited . the many feelings believed to burden the providers.

c-3 Sherry Colb , JD

Judge Frederick Lacey Scholar of Law  


c-3 Veronica Montel

Author and Working Provider

Gauntlet Magazine 1994

c-3 Melissa Ditmore , PHD

Creator of “Global Network of Sex Work Projects”

Washington Post Feb. 2007’

C-1 Priscilla Alexander Jeffrey Barrows DO

Founder of National Task Force on Prostitution and  Center for Bioethics and human dignity

Sept 9 , 2005

C-1 Kirby Cundiff PHD

Professor of finance at northwestern u.

April 8th 2004

D-1 Catherine LaCroix
“Love for sale James Salinger (with luis )

Speech debate Class

In favor of legalizing prostitution

Research,  sources and other topics and sources Cited

Categories of Predicted Debate rebuttals and questions .

Category 1 - Health and public safety

a)the only way to beat disease is to deny it life or a host . such as HIV . with the regulated federal stipulations having STRICT guidelines not only could it lower those getting infected but also assist those who didn't know they were infecting people.

b)under these guidelines and rules for health safety more would seek out the properly monitored provider for their own sake and safety .

c)making these and many rules like it the fine print u have to read . These would have the best interest of the client , the provider and the rest of the population that could become exposed to the one or the other .

Category 2 - Financial , both fed and state and how to regulate this




Category 3 - How and where to regulate and enforce safer streets less crime violence etc

a) more often than not prostitutes are in their profession by their own choice and many consider this a victimless crime when the usual “Trick/Provider” is between 2 consenting adults.

b)many “providers” such as Veronica Montel feel like they are doing work that is more honest and just as hardworking as anyone and more so than crooked CEOs and other unsavory political figures.

c)protect and serve my ass ! in a well documented case of a serial killer Gary Ridgway said he only targeted and preyed on Prostitutes because he said he knew that there would be very little effort done in attempting to apprehend him for these crimes because he was doing the police a favor and they knew it,

d)It is estimated that rape and similar acts of violence toward women would decrease by 25% in the very first year alone.

Category 4 - the moral issue of it all religious morality etc.

a)well they say why is it illegal to charge what most freely give away daily and when they do it's not a sin or immoral now?

b)The head of the coalations against porngraphy Dorn Checkly was quoted as saying “......No no no I said that prostitution as an entirety is an institution of immorality. “

c) It's thought that prostitution is demeaning to women. Lenore Kuo a renowned psychologist and writer show facts figures and surveys that showed out of the men that they approached as seen the video feed below. Were the ones who felt degraded , deceived and exploited . the many feelings believed to burden the providers.

c-3 Sherry Colb , JD

Judge Frederick Lacey Scholar of Law  


c-3 Veronica Montel

Author and Working Provider

Gauntlet Magazine 1994

c-3 Melissa Ditmore , PHD

Creator of “Global Network of Sex Work Projects”

Washington Post Feb. 2007’

C-1 Priscilla Alexander Jeffrey Barrows DO

Founder of National Task Force on Prostitution and  Center for Bioethics and human dignity

Sept 9 , 2005

C-1 Kirby Cundiff PHD

Professor of finance at northwestern u.

April 8th 2004

D-1 Catherine LaCroix
“Love for sale”

Published aug 2006

D-Dorn Checkley PHD

Head of coalition against pornography

Jan 2007”

Published aug 2006

D-Dorn Checkley PHD

Head of coalition against pornography

Jan 2007

      It is a very simple system to begin and those who choose to be in the provider business can either register and comply with a certification or run the continued risk of jail time or worst yet unsafe streets to continue to work from.                   

     There are so many issues this country faces and with every potential solution has its pros and cons.


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