Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Seeking to hide

Seeking To Hide
By Jimmy Ripp

My positive happy thoughts played hide n seek with me in my minds playground . I used to be a master of hide n seek when I was a kid .

Think about it more often !

Monday, March 26, 2018

And the number one tip to become a pro wrestler

And the number one tip on how to become a pro wrestler.

Remembering that it was the wrestlers who made you a fan and made you love the business so hopefully you have grown into a wrestler that a fan could be proud to say is his favorite and that only comes from good character respect and loyalty and those aren't catch phrases of a t-shirt and nor are they part of a giving key play they should be the cornerstones of the kind of person male or female you are when you become a wrestling Superstar.

And that is the 10 best tips I can give you on how to become a pro wrestler I hope you enjoyed them and I hope they do you some good

10 tips on how to become a pro wrestler part nine number two

10 tips on how to become a pro wrestler part nine number two

Upon making it to the big time whatever you hold that to be remember how you made it to the spot where you had a chance to become to succeed in making it to the level you wanted to and how you earn the respect and the opportunity to get there because once you get to the level success you consider to be the big time you're starting all over again with everything you must learn all the respect you must earn yet still representing those who helped get you there.

10 tips on how to be a pro wrestler part 8 number 3

10 tips on how to become a pro wrestler Part 8 number 3

As your career progresses and you hopefully get better as time goes on you'll begin to receive outside bookings as well if you have any loyalty and pride you will remember the training school that you went to and the fact that you're representing those who trained you when going to new places promotions and arenas you're representing them not just yourself and remember that when you get there and act accordingly.

10 tips on how to become a pro wrestler part 7 number 4

10 tips on how to become a pro wrestler part 7 number 4

After debuting whenever called upon to do a promo be sure to listen to what you're told you're supposed to get across occasionally the promo is not about getting yourself over and if you remember that and remember the storyline you're supposed to tell you won't look like you're only concerned with your own progress and your heat with the crowd your job in the ring is to get the person you're wrestling over and if they're doing their job as well everybody wins

10 tips on how to become a pro wrestler part 5 number 6

Remember when you're debuting don't over sell overplay your gimmick or assume you know what to do in the ring follow the lead of the pro that you're wrestling on your debut match which will usually be somebody experienced in the ring already. And when discussing your match a good Pro will ask for your input you better be prepared to have some.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

10 tips on how to become a pro wrestler. Part 4.#7

As your training progresses in your debut draws closer start to think in the context of telling a story as if you were writing it when preparing a match spotfests have a degree of difficulty but putting together a story to tell takes and displays far more skill than any spot best choreographed learn to work learning psychology learn to work light this is the one question when asking Pros for advice they may not mind giving it to you without the ability to tell a story nobody's going to care about what they're watching when I see you in the ring. In other words if your story is boring or not believable who do you expect to care besides yourself.

Friday, March 23, 2018

10 tips on how to become a pro wrestler part 3 number 8

10 tips on how to become a pro wrestler part 3 number 8

Really this should have been the first one but I'll put it now and that is always keep your mouth shut and listen and absorb better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're an idiot rather than open it and prove them right. If you're in training school that means you know nothing about the wrestling business yet not the ins-and-outs not what it takes to make it or anything else pertaining to wrestling or you wouldn't need a training school to learn it so don't think you know anything and everything you thought you learned already forget it just be a student don't try to be a teacher when you haven't even learned the craft.

10 tips to become a pro wrestler number 9 part 2

10 tips on how to become a pro wrestler.
A 10 part post series.

Number 10,,, never quote another wrestlers line or gimmick catchphrase. When in training camp. If you're still such a big fan of d wrestling which most of us maintain a love for them be the mark that you are and do those sort of things in the Privacy comfort and safety of your own home for if during training camp you get labeled one of those type of guys you will not have a very comfortable near future in the business as it pertains to your peers.

Number 9 part 2 of this 10 part series coming next

10 steps to becoming a professional wrestler part 1

10 tips on how to become a pro wrestler.
A 10 part post series.
Number 10,,, never quote another wrestlers line or gimmick catchphrase. When in training camp. If you're still such a big fan of d wrestling which most of us maintain a love for them be the mark that you are and do those sort of things in the Privacy comfort and safety of your own home for if during training camp you get labeled one of those type of guys you will not have a very comfortable near future in the business as it pertains to your peers.
Number 9 part 2 of this 10 part series coming next

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Emotions losing its way with you

Emotion losing it's way with you

So lost in translation as to why the simplified complexity of oceanic depth of internal self worth projected to such a small silver screen of defiance caused the striations of a relationship's foothills and mountaintops to be a terrain so difficult to navigate that when destinations are made clear getting lost are the turns made caused by the misdirection of the original desired location to arrive together on leaving such a fog of limited visibility as to where to go from there.

Trying to minimize frustration from situations that should not be enticing such emotional disparity let me know how much there is a plethora of a caveat of issues attached to it.

Desires connection lost? #2

Would you find it confusing that it one minute someone who seems prepared to be accepting of your offer to be anything they need with no fine print even with brief moments of engaging mystique then with an unmeasured speed do a 180 spin into an abyss of projections inciting you to feel distant and alienated without apparent cause. 

Can u resolve it ? What course of action ? Do you even inquire the reasoning ?

Without being sure if the one you gave this unselfish desired connection lost too knows what they really had been given ?

There is something to ponder huh?

Good shit

Do you know how much good shit there is in this world to see have or feel when you mainly Focus only on the good shit to see have or feel.

WWE Smackdown this past Tuesday

I didn't get a chance to review the entire Smackdown episode this past Tuesday but a couple key points to stick in my head number one is the great promo that Jinder Mahal actually produced on the show one of his best yet and it's a good attempt at trying to build up the Randy Orton Bobby Roode Jinder Mahal match for the United States at Wrestlemania another key point I did like the attempt at the t's with Carmela attempting the cash in her money in the bank but it wasn't executed all that well being that I didn't for one second think she was actually going to go through with it I like how many left Daniel brand laying out now him and Shane both on TV and together they come back with a vengeance against Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens sitting up the Wrestlemania match I love how they made Nakamura looks stronger than AJ when he did not eat meat Styles help when taking on the two-on-one attack of Rusev and Aiden English however I still say that keeping Rusev strong after WrestleMania you have to put him in the title hunt because there is no denying the great matches he is turned out recently we both Styles and Nakamura and how incredibly over he is with the crowd that's all I have for this week on SmackDown and Raw see you next time

Words of wisdom

Never dwell and disappointment but rather rejoice in the fact that you made the attempt

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Check out appzone

Check out AppZone, a quick and easy way to earn free gift cards: Make sure to use my code f9f2a69e when you sign up!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Desired connection.....lost.

Desired Connection….Lost

                    By :

             James Saling

James Saling

Desired Connection…..Lost.

Page 1

Created by a force unseen.

As quite often unspoken soul searches become desired connections lost.

Lost in a sea of unmeasured quantities of discoveries unfound.

The taste of the cravings inside that incite a conflict circle of constant inner civil war making virtue and morality victimized by motives misconstrued.

From a fire meant not to burn down the forest of comfort zone created by the connections carrier.

More so meant to actually to only kindle light into those feared expected elements of the landscape that the desired connection was mapped to travel upon.

Consequently extinguishing its own enlightenment.

Preventing the discovery of that desired connection.

Conquering the emotion of a cold blizzard of clouded feelings to focused on the negative aspect of the consequences to receive the will power not meant to be evoked.

This was a meant to feel desired connection and giving in to its euphoria while being aware of the mountains striations of challenges was the accepted fine line of which not to cross.

Without a viewable saved link that can restore this desired connection…..lost now are moments not meant to be missed when not wishing to change from roads more traveled.

Options had no extended deadlines available with no settings to be modified.

Events had to be experienced in the blink of an eye on the timeline of universal desired connections offered.

James Saling

Desired Connection….Lost

Page 2

For if left unused they were certain to not be available desired connections available again.

When kindred spirits placed on the same desire connection are done so for that is where a greater power had placed them.

So while content and complacent when this occurs.

The only action needed is to become lost in its transition so no uncertain worries and the clear specifications are absorbed with understood meanings.

While there will surely be countless future desired connections.

In the one faced with now nothing else can be viewed relevant for it would cause fears apprehensions and hesitations into both entities these souls represent.

The continued eternal string of desired connections which were created to be embraced will always battle the timeline they travel on.

In a flash of the seconds hand like a kiss can force a skipped heartbeat they come appear and vanish just as abruptly.

Sadly without trust and faith in the resolve of the karma that tests the intended similar to a shooting star traveling in a eye’s blink across infinite space.

Without inhibitions it will always be a desired connection…….lost.

Friday, March 16, 2018

A promo a with me in a Class Act Tony Jones

A Battle Royal victory

Part two of that

A video with facts about me with a radio show I was on backdrop

More vintage Jimmy Ripp

Some vintage stuff

Another old ripped a new one video

Old ripped a new one video

Part two of that first post

The privilege of being in an apw ring with some of their finest of all time

When I shared the ring with a Class Act named Tony Jones

Old school cage match versus the All-American

The video from my Twitter war with Jeff Jarrett

I did it so they can't ever take it away

Another thing I'm very proud of you

My niece's dog is badass at soccer

Short mini parody

Something I'm very proud of

My buddy is a pervert

Hanging out with a few friends

WWE critiques

Another one I forgot to post

Just something funny

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A star is born sonnet

James saling
Sonnet “A star is born”

                        A Star is Born

What constitutes being a star
Being more than a ball of gas
How can one be a star
To answer that is to not ask

A star is born on Earth
As it is up in the skies
Just like it's birth
Can die before our eyes

We can all shine just as brilliant
As our counterpart in the sky at night
Yet take an enteral day of time
To reach our visions sight

Our magnificence can be unmeasurable
Our value unquestionably undefined
Yet being a star has the fine print
we will not read and understand the underlined

So why become a star at all
If we can Shine yet die so fast
When you see it for what it is

We all Stars when full of gas

Sunday, March 4, 2018

WrestleMania match predictions

WrestleMania match predictions.

Styles vs nakamura
Lesner vs reighns
Orton vs roode us title ladder match
Miz vs. Balor vs rolins intercontinental title
New day B's usos vs bludgeon Brothers tag title
The bar vs Bray and broken
Sasha vs baley
Charlotte vs Lynch women's title
Bliss vs Asuka women's title
Rousey and Angle vs. Hhh and Stephanie there is my card prediction

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Wwe fastlane predictions

Welcome to  predictions the episode predictions of Fastlane only available on the WWE Network 999 with your first month free so what are you waiting for another subscriber already hahaha Fastlane let's take a look at the card from top to bottom left right front back in morning potential spoiler alert yes I am that damn good start up with the smackdown Tag Team titles the incredible over the past year turn around and the Usos Far Cry from the ultimate Island Warrior look that used to have huh the reinvention is contained to a whole new level by then and what can you say about the Uso's entering work this isn't about a team that got better over time play on their gimmick a little bit that got released from Lockdown and I'm finally getting the show what they're capable of and the new day are amazing the comedy n ring work and the feud between the two of them are classic they're like Sasha Banks Charlotte Flair Dusty Rhodes Ric Flair I mean some fueds  just make for great television great storylines but  Fastlane it will not be about finding out who the better team is I predict the bludgeon Brothers will interfere and ruin what will be another classic between the Usos and new day but that'll bring more heat for the brothers and we'll set up a 3-way tag team match at WrestleMania for the Tag Team titles next Bobby Roode and Randy Orton rude is over greatly and I feared it even being as good as he is the WWE Universe wouldn't take to him thankfully they have and eventually I can see him becoming WWE Champion or it may be closing in on retirement he appears to me like he doesn't love it anymore and even if that isn't true I can see him hanging them up anyway and it's been a storybook career with a guaranteed seat in the Hall of Fame I'm sure so for Fastlane I do see him winning the title from Bobby Roode setting up a rude Orton WrestleMania u.s. title ladder match next match I will pick is Charlotte Flair vs Ruby Riot I don't get justifying giving her the title shot however Larry will make her look awesome I'm sure but she will not lose the title and that's the right Squad will beat down flares severely leaving in Carmelo with her money in the bank now I don't like her doing it here so I would say this is going to be just a teaser because she is not the caliber of Charlotte to be able to hold them WrestleMania main-event down for the women's title way for Becky Lynch to come and make the same but accidentally butting heads with Charlotte setting up Charlotte Flair Becky Lynch Smackdown women's title match at WrestleMania and now for the six pack challenge this is going to have some possible so that they can fight each other or but I see Owens and Sami Zayn allowing each other to pin each other to win the title easily that's making it easy for them to face each other later on but the other poor man will beat the crap out of them to prevent it and then hand The Undertaker makes an appearance to take out John Cena and ruin his chances of the WWE title to set up their Match of WrestleMania and I mean and AJ Styles retains looking strong so that he can face shinsky Nakamura and what could be easily thought of as a second highest drawing next to Hogan Andre but in this match will get to see AJ and Ziggler you a couple show stealing spots next issue is where I give you my WrestleMania match predictions

Roman empire

HiJames saling

Long essay 1

(Roman Empire’s Demise)

       The Roman empire is seemingly the most famous of all ancient civilizations. Anything with that much notoriety is always going to debates  as to what year or cause was when or how the fall of the Roman Empire came to be. Well with so many different ways the Roman Empire was ram and the culture of its people there are so many things that are relatable to the customs, government programs and and so on of that that the United States use. Which suggests that the practices of the Roman Empire that have been adopted make a contributor to today's society keeping the spirit of it's empire alive.

         The United States, specifically California, uses the welfare program and foodstamps.

The illiad

James Saling

Short essay #1

(The Iliad)


     There are many times in history that one can say yep that's going to be remembered for sure. Homer's writing of The Iliad relating it to the Greeks is easily something that would be used as a reference guide even today's current society.

       The Iliad was the story of Achilles the mythical figure and perfect symbol or poster child for what the definition of what hubris was. Achilles mother, herself a God, told him if he stayed out of the war of the Trojans he would get married and have many babies living a long happy life. However if he chose to fight in the Trojan War for the Greeks he would be glorious and brave in battle and his name forever remembered throughout the sands of time.

         Tragically this great Glory also came hand-in-hand with his own demise. Knowing what will make him great will also be his undoing , he still chooses to fight anyway.


       Homer was trying to help prevent this from happening to the Greeks as well. He could see that the Greeks for feeling so much pride and their own feeling of greatness was to be the sole reason for their downfall as well.

        The Greeks knowing this and what it would lead to could not help themselves in preventing it irregardless. Coming to no surprise they did suffer the similar fate of The Iliad’s hero Achilles. The hubris of both Achilles and the Greeks making them great it also made it possible for for their demise.

       This is a perfect reflection of people even in today's society. clearly if you lead was a standard paperback it would truly be a definition of a classic that's relevance can stand the test of people and time.

Code of hammurabi

James saling

Short essay 2

(Code of hammurabi)

          History being completely open to interpretation and perception can cause Skeptics to want to debate many different things The Code of Hammurabi rule was documented to leave very little room or gray areas and in my 1790 BCE The Babylon King issued laws concerning everything from crime punishment legal procedure and even marriage. This was the Code of Hammurabi.

       Meant to be reassuring to  others this priest-king had divine duty to uphold maintain justice and punish the wicked while upholding the welfare and wellbeing of the people.

       The first set of laws written in stone to be followed or supper Justice in the eye for an eye concept with over a 782 laws by contrast to today's society doesn't seem like much.  Clearly though they had issues on the table that were affecting all of them.

         While the feeling of some laws being a little bit much while others being too little was probably common, it  was thought that to behave and enjoy life now was the best option in this day in age. We clearly see how in a chaotic society and civilization does not and cannot see a world without chaos as a reality. Following laws and doing what you should was in your best interest. For the laws made had swift and harsh punishment that our society  would feel was a bit extreme but. Having laws knowing broken laws can have justice be served may have truly made the average guy feel so much safer.

       It wouldn't even be the tip of the iceberg nowadays but its relevance to create some kind of order to avoid chaos the Code of Hammurabi certainly did that for its time.

A creative writing tale.

            Children often talk about what they want to be when they grow up or how they have dreams they want to achieve. Throughout their growing years their dreams can and do sometimes change. From being wanting to be a fireman, a police officer or even wanting to be Superman himself. It is always good policy to encourage kids to reach for the stars and never putting limits on themselves.

For one five year old Brooklyn boy the dream was to become a professional wrestler for World Wrestling Entertainment. 

Sitting on the floor of the T.V. room playing with a tonka truck while using my sisters Barbies like they were buses for the tonka to crush them. A catchy rock song blasted over the sound system through the T.V. speaker and the intro to a show came on called WrestleMania came on the air live. It was a showcase of the best wrestlers in the world and some of Hollywood and the music industry biggest stars coming together to put on the big event. I sat there in amazement at what these real live superheros were doing in the ring. The art form that pro wrestling is fondly referred to as  simply captivated me as a young child. It was at the conclusion of that live wrestling event that i had decided that I wanted to be a pro wrestler. Alerting my mother of the great news my mom she just chuckled then offered the textbook normal words of

encouragement. In retrospect I am very certain that she probably didn't even know what being a WWE wrestler even meant.

The other kids in my age would always keep short attention spans and go from one fun fad to the next. I never stopped wanting to be one of those larger than life superstars.

At the age of 12 I completely flattened the backyard landscape,broke down chain link fence and began construction on what was going to be my wrestling arena. The street that we lived on was called Plaza Drive thus I named my backyard arena “The Plaza Outdoor Auditorium”.             

Collecting some old dinner table and other broken down chairs setting them for the soon to be paid attendance. Using Broomsticks as the four posts and three different sizes and colors rope to ensure we had turnbuckles and for the ring mat i layed down queen size mattress and covered it all with a huge piece of carpet I had my ring ready and my Arena set for my promotion called “Ruthless Wrestling Federation”.

My best friend Santos and I began as wrestlers, one cousin as the referee and another cousin pulling double duty as the camera man and ring announcer we were set to begin performing shows . We were going to be a tag team when we reached the WWE as “Slasher & Ripper The Night Stalkers” For our backyard arena shows we had to be opponents for now.

For at least 2 to 3 years we did this live event outdoor the plaza outdoor auditorium. At one point we began to draw 20 to 30 people each time even.

I was always a fan first. Owning every single wrestling figure toy, lots of posters and every video of every WWE event you could buy. Attending every sports memorabilia store that promoted wrestling and held autographed sessions to the point where some wrestlers in the WWE even began to know me by name.

This promoter invited us to a live wrestling event in San Jose for a tryout match after seeing a video tape I had produced and marketed and sent many wrestling promotions. We were finally getting a real break and chance in pro wrestling. Given an opening match or dark match as it's called , Santos and I were labeled with a generic gimmick called “The Hot Boyz” . They called us that due to not wanting to use our gimmick that we had done through so many years due to copyright issues. So with no actual real training or a real ring to practice our craft me and my best friend went out and put on the best match we could put together. Our performance went off without a hitch. Though by pro wrestling standards it was what they call an abortion skunk up the arena.

After the show I was approached by a promoter who managed a pro wrestling training school out of Hayward California. Receiving an invite to his office the following Monday for a

meeting it sadly the invitation was only for one. My tag team partner was a dedicated worker but my love for the business stood out and with my best friends blessing I accepted the invite.

Monday morning I walked into Pacific Coast Sports offices and began to discuss  my desire to become a professional wrestler.

After a long conversation I was presented with a three-year contract that gave me free admission to his 12-month training school and  2 years for the promotion as a performer. All the while allowing 50% of all the earnings from outside bookings and any merchandise sales to be given to the promoter. Financially and creatively this deal would be laughed at and the contract should have been shredded. However when you have WWE dreams and their minor league affiliate wants to sign you. Thus giving you a feeling that you are much closer to your ultimate goal. That persuasion can pretty much make you willing to sign anything.

May of 1997 when I entered the ring for the very first time at all pro wrestling I was 5 foot 9 and I weighed 148 pounds. Now try to visualize and understand something imperative to that statement. This was a time when the average WWE superstar was 6 feet or taller and well over 200 pounds.

There was not and never had been a wrestler in the world that was my size and weight. The head trainer turned to the boss and the booker and said “Are you serious? This kid is going

to get killed in here.”  He then replied “I know what I'm doing just train him to be good let me worry about the rest. In retrospect I probably should have been concerned for health and well-being and permitted myself to be more clear on what I was truly getting myself into. At that age of course I felt invincible so there was nothing that could stop me from my WWE goal.

There are three stages the training . The first 3 to 4 months consist of learning and taking the bumps you had to know how to do. A much better way to describe this process is that you are learning how to fall properly to minimize injury and pain. Repetition was necessary to develop a tolerance to the pain.

The second stage of training is to master basic olympic-style amateur wrestling. More commonly known as Greco-Roman wrestling, this adds credibility of your athleticism and you selling the fact that your an athlete.

The last stage of training was the process of learning to execute a series of basic professional moves and chain moves together to develop into a match. The rest of your skills, move arsenal and offense you would develop on your own. The more work you would put into that stage as a “Self Starter” so to speak would stand out give you the edge over others who did not put in the hours you did.

I went through the entire train and survived despite what my critics predicted in the beginning I was scheduled at both perform tonight very first match in a light show I remember
the promoter Roland for lunch at a food court Southland Mall in Hayward California it was Ben that we discussed what kind of character and I would be performing he had an image of this grunge somewhat depressed guy who had given up on the light BD's in the rink almost like you felt deserving of them as some kind of sadist . A real pro always finds that the best connects are always a genuine but exaggerated version of that wrestlers your personality so even though I knew I could do anything to ask for me I did not feel that this role nor a blown up version of myself with work I had a much different idea in mind.

size compared to the average they would make it hard to believe I would ever stand a chance against any also when I was younger watching my favorites on TV it was always the bad guy or the villain who got most of the attention in sports you have a good guy you have a very good bad ones with the bad guys getting as many fans as good guys nowadays there is no black and white anymore

so to be unique special unique stand out with how small I was my only chance of getting to the big time was to be the best I doing promo promos are the segments of the show where a dresser performing will talk on the microphone in front of the crowd and television do this well with a dress skills and a gifted dab can make or break a performance and I knew this was my

keys and my ticket to the big time there are very few workers who are able to draw characters where they are genuinely truly despise three men in wrestling history come to mine who were truly able to do this the one that I admired who I could relate most to me was television star Andy Kaufman Andy Kaufman was the star of Taxi as compared to vodka but he was a wrestling fan as well no more than 5 foot 9 + 135 pounds and understood.

Psychology of wrestling and look at it at as an art form. Kaufman and Jerry Lawler started a program together that brought in thousands and fans and made them both a lot of money. Their feud even earned them a spot on late night with david letterman. Playing the bad guy role and doing in a manner that could make the even the insider fans or “Smart Marks” as they are known as to loose it and hate you would not be an easy trick. If pulled off right and well I was certain that i would not be denied my life long ambition of being a WWE superstar and that's exactly what I intended to do. Having watched those whose role was to encite crowds with anger Kaufman was able to incorporate all the mannerisms and say all the right things to enrage the fans and give the hero or (good guy) a bigger following and support in hopes of his prevailing and the (bad guy) would get what he had coming to him.

To be able to take what Andy Kaufman did and build on it to make it my own was going to be my key to success and give the big time promotions incentive to want to invest in me. On june 21st 1998 at the sacramento arco arena a wrestling show began and when the opening national anthem completed the lights went out and the “Sir Mix A Lot's hit rap song “Mack daddy” hit the sound system. A spotlight came on and in it stood a 22 year old kid in a L.A. Lakers jersey , a baseball hat with the words “Smart Ass White Boy” in graffiti on it and black pants with neon green words down one leg saying “Mack Daddy” and the other leg Jimmy Ripp.

with a microphone in hand he spoke these words…. “ The only spotlight on should always be centered on the mack daddy! I know every man in this arena is mad as hell because every woman is jumping out of their seat trying to get a look at the Man the myth the legend. Sadly there isn't a woman in this crowd that deserves a second look unless i was whale watching. So pissed your eyes and fantasize cuz I am the straw that stirs the drink I am the heat machine a twisted Hill with sex appeal and compared to my opponent I may look half the size but I ain't sure you I am twice the man and after I beat him I'll still be talkin trash I am the Mack Daddy Jimmy Ripp

I begin the walk to the ring and as I went down the hundred foot long I'll I was pelted with insults and soda cans and cups and even people spitting at me when I entered the ring I turn in each Direction flexing mind you I was a hundred 49 pounds so there wasn't much for me but even more I had no grounds to be so full of myself when he came to the ring to grab the microphone and say these words Jimmy Ripp you say you're the straw that stirs the drink you look more like the toothpick in fact you look more like the crack daddy than a Mack Daddy and after I beat you you won't be talking trash I'll be throwing you in the trash

throughout our entire match I would run away a boy his attacks do cheap cheating moves and in the end of simple referee distraction to avoid it is called caitian I gave him a severe low bolt blow to the groin and use the ropes as leverage to pin him and Escape the Room very quickly when I came grab the microphone and said and I'm still talking trash it was a dirty move and they cheated win with a tainted Victory and best of all I escaped without getting my ass handed to me

as you can imagine the only the only thing that's did was in Rage the fans even more and their hatred for my character Gru greater the next show just seven days away I was called in to the main office during a training session the book ring head trainer asked me to sit down and

they close the door behind me I didn't know what this was all about but I was fearing I perhaps did something wrong and expressed my concern for the reason behind this meeting the promoter handed me a file and asked me to open it and read the first page I did I did what he asked and the first page was a print print out of an email thumbing through all of them quickly I pulled the first page and read and noticed they were all pretty much or blogs or posts on message boards and this is what the first one said

“attention all pro wrestling I am a loyal long-time fan and have been so since your first show in 1993 I know a lot of the over the years and learned a lot of what it's involved in behind the scenes to promote a show like how the guys train how the matches are put together etcetera so you can say I am a a smart Mark as the term goes for fans like me so I was of course in attendance at the show tonight in Sacramento. Great show by the way you always put on a million-dollar show and don't ever look like a low-budget indie that being said here's the reason for my email I know there are good guy rolls and bad guy roles and it's their job to make you do so however that guy that debut tonight Jimmy Ripp is forgive my French but nothing more than a piece of s*** a****** who needs to s*** kicked out of them when he did where did he come from the East Coast I hadn't heard of him but what a dirtbag egotistical sorry bastard front row I don't know if you plan on bringing him back next week but I don't recommend it I will be at ringside either way respectively you're loyal fam” Larry H

now this guy thought I was a wrestler brought him from somewhere else which means just long-time smart pan thought that I was a seasoned Pro rather than a rookie on his first night also the front row he was sitting in received I received a barrage of insults that I prepared use on the right fans knowing it would cause a chain reaction of people to become irate and their anger would resonate from that making me the most hated bad guy giving all the best heat

so I use such comments when people yelled at me like sit your five-dollar ass down before I make change Punk as I completed reading that first page I've been looked up expecting an angry boss and an angry trainer and what I saw was the exact opposite the trainer and Booker both had ear to ear grams is if they were asked to participate and judging the bikini contest or something I asked what was wrong and what was going on and was I in trouble or something and this is the response

“I got ripped as you know I took a big risk on you when you came here I mean 591 do ever were able to have a pro match that no one would believe you could hang and all the negative reaction would force our hand in removing you from the roster and hoping to find another role for you if you thumb through those 47 different emails I handed you you will see

things from fans that were so angry that they want to beat up you in the parking lot I had to give these things to Sacramento Police Department for an investigation due to there being a death threat made toward you as well as I interrupted with the phrenic apology for what seemed to be a big Dilemma to me I lost went on to say there's sorry no no no what plans we have for you over the next few weeks and to make sure that you are aware of the death red and angry forms to make sure that you were okay with proceeding if you are and then make sure you will not be going to be booked in any kind of a mattress throwing line when the show starts right after the national anthem you will interrupt the ring announcer and cut a promo just like you did the first time and employing such lines as you hate me cuz you can't be me and I fear no wrestler in the world so I ain't the least bit scared of any of you sorry idiotic fans so you are going to say that since no one wants to face you after you the beating you gave your opponent last week with Aaron and being he actually was the one who beat the hell out of you I do not cheated you decided to take the night off and just enjoy the show it will be a section taped off in the stands generically written up VIP booth sign above it and will have about three students from the training class act is your Raiders and three others acted your security in the main event

Max Justice retains his Universal heavyweight title with his back to the crowd you're sitting with you and Rush ring a snake to the ring and hit him from behind with one of your

finishers and stand over him holding his title as if it is yours we're going to see how that works and build off of that and if it goes over we'll brainstorm from there now in hindsight those hate males and death ribs 5 people could have been people crazy enough them they might have tried to carry that out I would have been very easy prey sitting openly right in the crowd as planned however thankfully nothing came of it except for some really good heat from me.

So the character I created was off and running and over the next 10 years  , traveling to Mexico , Canada and everywhere in the United States living somewhat like a rock star I experienced things I cannot describe in words. I have stories that are so off the page they seem fake. 

Then after 10 years spanning over 3 different decades and I am able to actually say I wrestled in two different centuries. When somebody asks me about wrestling or tells me asks me to tell them a story of something I always say the same thing and you standing behind that curtain your music comes on and there's 10,000 people either they are screaming her booing and you walk through the curtain in the lights are flashing and the cameras are pointed at you and the rush justs go through your whole body there is not a single drug and prescription or Street form that

can provide that kind of high you get from doing this the only problem you never get over the withdrawals.

when you dream you should always dream big when you reach you should always reach high and when you give it all to something make sure you're giving it all and don't ever let anybody tell you you can't won't shouldn't or better not especially not yourself don't ever quit don't ever stop you do what you got to do to get where you want to because in life you only get one chance you want to make every moment count and life is about a series of moments that you can cherish so you better appreciate them now and the ones you're sharing those moments with . Remember when you reach for the stars are bound to at least touch the moon. Keep mind,  it's never how you start but how you finish that matters . Thank you for listening to my story now go make your own dream  come to life!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Oldest profession

James Saling (with Luis )

Speech Debate Class

Favoring the legalization of prostitution

   Make “Providers” Provide

          There is a well known profession that has carried the moniker “world's oldest profession”. Nowadays these members of this workforce like to refer to themselves as “escorts” or even “providers”. No matter what name you use they all are simply people who trade sexual favors for money.  This line of work, older than our country itself,will always be an issue. So instead of the current system to combat this “crime” a clear more well suited solution is to embrace it, assign a legislation, establish realistic laws to properly moderate it and tax the hell out of the incomes of these “fantasy fulfillers”.

        First off let's discuss the obvious financial aspects of this. According to ….the average upscale ‘provider’ can make about $100,000 a year . A report from ...says there are approximately ….workers of this type in the United States. Simple math on what kind of tax money that alone could generate could be used for so many great causes and issues this country has.

      The only way to beat disease is to deny it life or a host . such as HIV . with the regulated federal stipulations having STRICT guidelines not only could it lower those getting infected but also assist those who didn't know they were infecting people.under these guidelines and rules for health safety more would seek out the properly monitored provider for their own sake and safety .making these and many rules like it the fine print u have to read .these would have the best interest of the client , the provider and the rest of the population that could become exposed to the one or the other .

       James Salinger (with luis )

Speech debate Class

In favor of legalizing prostitution

Research,  sources and other topics and sources Cited

Categories of Predicted Debate rebuttals and questions .

Category 1 - Health and public safety

a)the only way to beat disease is to deny it life or a host . such as HIV . with the regulated federal stipulations having STRICT guidelines not only could it lower those getting infected but also assist those who didn't know they were infecting people.

b)under these guidelines and rules for health safety more would seek out the properly monitored provider for their own sake and safety .

c)making these and many rules like it the fine print u have to read . These would have the best interest of the client , the provider and the rest of the population that could become exposed to the one or the other .

Category 2 - Financial , both fed and state and how to regulate this




Category 3 - How and where to regulate and enforce safer streets less crime violence etc

a) more often than not prostitutes are in their profession by their own choice and many consider this a victimless crime when the usual “Trick/Provider” is between 2 consenting adults.

b)many “providers” such as Veronica Montel feel like they are doing work that is more honest and just as hardworking as anyone and more so than crooked CEOs and other unsavory political figures.

c)protect and serve my ass ! in a well documented case of a serial killer Gary Ridgway said he only targeted and preyed on Prostitutes because he said he knew that there would be very little effort done in attempting to apprehend him for these crimes because he was doing the police a favor and they knew it,

d)It is estimated that rape and similar acts of violence toward women would decrease by 25% in the very first year alone.

Category 4 - the moral issue of it all religious morality etc.

a)well they say why is it illegal to charge what most freely give away daily and when they do it's not a sin or immoral now?

b)The head of the coalations against porngraphy Dorn Checkly was quoted as saying “......No no no I said that prostitution as an entirety is an institution of immorality. “

c) It's thought that prostitution is demeaning to women. Lenore Kuo a renowned psychologist and writer show facts figures and surveys that showed out of the men that they approached as seen the video feed below. Were the ones who felt degraded , deceived and exploited . the many feelings believed to burden the providers.

c-3 Sherry Colb , JD

Judge Frederick Lacey Scholar of Law  


c-3 Veronica Montel

Author and Working Provider

Gauntlet Magazine 1994

c-3 Melissa Ditmore , PHD

Creator of “Global Network of Sex Work Projects”

Washington Post Feb. 2007’

C-1 Priscilla Alexander Jeffrey Barrows DO

Founder of National Task Force on Prostitution and  Center for Bioethics and human dignity

Sept 9 , 2005

C-1 Kirby Cundiff PHD

Professor of finance at northwestern u.

April 8th 2004

D-1 Catherine LaCroix
“Love for sale James Salinger (with luis )

Speech debate Class

In favor of legalizing prostitution

Research,  sources and other topics and sources Cited

Categories of Predicted Debate rebuttals and questions .

Category 1 - Health and public safety

a)the only way to beat disease is to deny it life or a host . such as HIV . with the regulated federal stipulations having STRICT guidelines not only could it lower those getting infected but also assist those who didn't know they were infecting people.

b)under these guidelines and rules for health safety more would seek out the properly monitored provider for their own sake and safety .

c)making these and many rules like it the fine print u have to read . These would have the best interest of the client , the provider and the rest of the population that could become exposed to the one or the other .

Category 2 - Financial , both fed and state and how to regulate this




Category 3 - How and where to regulate and enforce safer streets less crime violence etc

a) more often than not prostitutes are in their profession by their own choice and many consider this a victimless crime when the usual “Trick/Provider” is between 2 consenting adults.

b)many “providers” such as Veronica Montel feel like they are doing work that is more honest and just as hardworking as anyone and more so than crooked CEOs and other unsavory political figures.

c)protect and serve my ass ! in a well documented case of a serial killer Gary Ridgway said he only targeted and preyed on Prostitutes because he said he knew that there would be very little effort done in attempting to apprehend him for these crimes because he was doing the police a favor and they knew it,

d)It is estimated that rape and similar acts of violence toward women would decrease by 25% in the very first year alone.

Category 4 - the moral issue of it all religious morality etc.

a)well they say why is it illegal to charge what most freely give away daily and when they do it's not a sin or immoral now?

b)The head of the coalations against porngraphy Dorn Checkly was quoted as saying “......No no no I said that prostitution as an entirety is an institution of immorality. “

c) It's thought that prostitution is demeaning to women. Lenore Kuo a renowned psychologist and writer show facts figures and surveys that showed out of the men that they approached as seen the video feed below. Were the ones who felt degraded , deceived and exploited . the many feelings believed to burden the providers.

c-3 Sherry Colb , JD

Judge Frederick Lacey Scholar of Law  


c-3 Veronica Montel

Author and Working Provider

Gauntlet Magazine 1994

c-3 Melissa Ditmore , PHD

Creator of “Global Network of Sex Work Projects”

Washington Post Feb. 2007’

C-1 Priscilla Alexander Jeffrey Barrows DO

Founder of National Task Force on Prostitution and  Center for Bioethics and human dignity

Sept 9 , 2005

C-1 Kirby Cundiff PHD

Professor of finance at northwestern u.

April 8th 2004

D-1 Catherine LaCroix
“Love for sale”

Published aug 2006

D-Dorn Checkley PHD

Head of coalition against pornography

Jan 2007”

Published aug 2006

D-Dorn Checkley PHD

Head of coalition against pornography

Jan 2007

      It is a very simple system to begin and those who choose to be in the provider business can either register and comply with a certification or run the continued risk of jail time or worst yet unsafe streets to continue to work from.                   

     There are so many issues this country faces and with every potential solution has its pros and cons.


Licensed only need apply

James Saling

Prof. Daux

Speech Debate

Claim : There must be mandated requirements and licensing to be able to have children in the United States.

    The United States needs to mandate requiring licenses for those wishing to have children.  There are so many children brought into this world by unfit parents.  Many of whom are consistently unsupervised.  

      Lisa Belkin who is a writer and author did a journal article for the New York Times. Belkin spoke of a young 2nd grade boy who had missed his school bus. Since the boy was unable to wake his mother he simply grabbed the keys to the family Ford Taurus and proceeded to drive himself to school. After unsuccessfully navigating the streets he swerved off the road and struck a light post suffering very mild injuries. The boy said he learned how to drive from playing the very violent,gang,fighting,murder,robbery and prostitution filled video game called “Grand Theft Auto”.These were news stories Belkin had obtained from the very reputable Associated Press.

There are requirements to drive a car. You must have a license to catch a fish.  There are training and prerequisites for many things in this world yet the single most important duty of raising our children requires nothing but a willing conceiver and an eager donator. Hank Pellissier , a well known philosopher and author from Ethical Technologies Inc. suggested that people be required to perform and pass a battery of tests to be permitted to procreate. His seminal journal essay titled “Licensed Parents” made the point that doctors must have years of schooling before they are permitted to go out and save lives. Teachers must have years of schooling as well before they are permitted to educate. Yet the most important role in a child's life may be obtained by anyone able to bear children ?

There are so many people/couples trying to adopt due to not being able to have kids of their own and they must meet certain criteria to do so.  Sperm donors have a list of things to pass in order just to donate sperm to a bank.  A woman wanting artificial insemination must pass a multitude of prerequisites just to have that done.  Author and Editor of “Should Parents Be Licensed?” Peg Tittle demonstrated a scenario that was very difficult to oppose. Traditionalists view having children as a natural right . Now that being a fair point completely this doesn't have to be a right that is taken away. It certainly should remain a right just with the understanding that some certain criteria must be met in the best interests of the unborn child as well as the would be parents.Now while some pregnancies are certainly unplanned and others were not wanted at all it leaves abortion or adoption as options as well. So with the adoption in mind the focus on what that all includes in the way of being able to adopt a child. These people wanting to adopt a baby due to not being able body to have their own want a child to love and care for and raise into an adult and cherish the child's life. They are sent through a series of tests to ensure the standards necessary are met before being allowed to adopt. Shouldn't they just have the natural right as well even though they are unable to conceive themselves. Why must they have to meet requirements with those who can bear child don't have to ?

    Kyle Munkittrick a scholar and writer for Discover Magazine did a research article titled “Please present your breeder's license” . While discussing A.R.T. (assisted reproductive techniques) and touched on the subjects of sperm donation and artificial insemination. He went on to reveal the incredibly strict policies and high standard requirements that were necessary to qualify for either of these things. Then he pointed out but no prerequisites are needed for any fertile or able person not needing these medical assisted means of procreation.

    Munkittrick also went on to quote Hugh Lafollette who was also a great scholar and psychologist who said that licenses are not designed to select only the best of the best. They are used to prohibit those that demonstrate significant shortcomings in the area of which they are seeking a license in.

       So with these experts and this concept that will better ensure that children are brought into this world and raised by suitable parenting not to mention the controlling of over population.  Mandating licensing for those wanting to have children is clearly a necessity and does not take away a person's rights but rather ensure they commit no wrongs.  

   Works/Sources Cited

Lisa Belkin author, New York Times,Associated Press , Journal Article 2009

Kyle Munkittrick , author , 2010 “Please Present Your Breeder's License” Discover Magazine co-author and source used Hugh Lafollette

Peg Title author , publication editor, “Should Parents Be Licensed?” 2004

Hank Pellissier , Author “Licensed Parents” philosopher , Ethical Tech Inc .

The nfl not standing for those not standing

James Saling


Professor Daux

NFL & the National Anthem


Claim -  The NFL needs to take action and rule that any player who kneels during the national anthem will face fines and possible suspensions.


James saling

Prof. Daux

Speech debate

Censorship briefs

Claim- the fcc needs to mandate censorship of adult content from minors in all medias and if violated their parent/ guardian may face fines or potentially jail.

Making parental controls an automatic feature enforced on all cable systems. Too often kids are left with free will to any programming they can change a channel to. This will enable the absent parent no choice and no problems with attempting to enable a passcode. Upon signing up for any cable service there will be a questionnaire asking if there are non-adults under 18 in the household and automatic blocking with password required will be enable.

A study done by “Covenant Eyes” watchdog and software company showed 9 out of 10 boys and 6 out of 10 girls had been exposed to hardcore pornography. 12% of all kids under 18 have seen child porn . 30% of all teens studied age 17 had sent or received sexual photo/texts messages.**(1C)**

A well known published writer Lenore Skenazy caused a worldwide uproar when she wrote a newspaper column about how she would allow her nine year old to ride the subway home alone at night. So she would not restrict his television or other media outlets feeling that it was helping educate him as to what kind of world is potentially out there. **(1F)**

As reported by a study done from experts at the print and online publication Sciencedaily . Those under the age of 18  60%  spend about 20 hours or more in front of a television , computer or android screen. Even more so one third of that equation spends closer to 40 hours. That is a lot of time that could be spent viewing information , content and misdirected examples that children should not see.  **(1A)**

The CNN website reported the AAP National Conference suggested that children should be very limited to only 60 minutes of T.V./ 120 of cinema in a 24 hour period and the content being age appropriate has proven more well adjusted children when not permitted content not meant to be viewed and certainly not without parental consent or company. **(1B)**

The Motion Picture Association of American and Television with their ratings have very little meaning when not enforced by parents and perhaps some parents are just simply unable to cover every second of their child's lives. A very credited printed author James Hamilton,writer of the book “Television Violence and Public Policy” speaks of solutions like the V-Chip that can make this burden so much more manageable for parents. **(1E)**

There has been an invention called the “V-CHIP” which enables this censoring to take place with no extra work , effort or discretion require by the parent or guardian . Invented and patented by John Gardner and Brett West in 1994 it simply receives a special code from the programming on its ratings due to sex, violence and language. It then would scramble the programming making it not viewable without the proper passcode to disable it for that show. The good part was how it would only be disabled for that single show if a passcode was entered. This would make it so much easier for parents and guardians to monitor and limit what content their children were able to see based on their own discretions. No content would viewable if it carried a certain rating without the proper passcode. **(1D)**

Sites/works/sources cited

1A)---American Heart Association, Sciencedaily Pub., Study/Survey,, co:authors - Jennifer O'Loughlin PHD. , Marie Lambert MD., Mark Daniel PHD.

1B) , Website report on AAP National Conference, American Academy of Pediatrics.

1C)---Deseret Family News , Covenant Eyes Software Co. Study, statistics,print publication

1D)---Montgomery, Kathryn C. Generation Digital:politics, commerce, and childhood in the age of the internet. (2007) The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.

1E)---University of Michigan Press , Author -James Hamilton , book titled “Television Violence and Public Policy”

1F)---Writer Lenore Skenazy, Founder of Free-range Kids Movement, Newspaper column

The nurserys rhyme

James Saling



                                                               `                “Once upon a time happened a long long time ago”

Once upon a time happened a long long time ago .

Happily ever after was a phrase made up and put on display for show.

There can be no frog that with a curse in his midst .

Will transform to a prince from the right womans lips .

No true love conquers all that can save sleeping beauty.
No noble knight on a horse performing his duty.

Goldie Lock’d up is more like it taken a house that's not hers.

She could got caught up if they snatch’d her up by them hairs.

No old lady occupied a vacant apartment shoe.  
Welfare didn't cover that many brats look on youtube.

Ma Hubbard had bare and empty cupboards no doubt .

Rover starved too cause they food stamps ran out.

Flatlands made for no hilltop awaiting for jack no jill by his side.

No One's sure if either one ever was alive.

Little boy blue was not who we thought .

Everything that he did canceled out not for not.

Cinderella not pretty so for sure no midnight dance to attend.

It was always food to cook or clothing to mend.  

Seven dwarfs just a metaphor of sorts of

Of how 7 countries in this world are in evil cohorts .

Mother goose had ya fooled into thinking the best

But her botox and implants set her in a cougars nest

Humpty dumpty was just a nickname made up in a dream

His presence invented the phrase ‘take one for the team’

The yellow brick road and the slutty dorothy made us all a mist

The didn't say it was leftover from a golden shower stinking of ass and piss

Red riding hood wasnt going over the river to a granny gone ill

After here coming out video she seeked a morning after pill

The three lil pigs were just what it said no blowing down from the wolf but he was known to give head

Lil bo peep didnt farm no sheep but she liked getting pilfered thou.

Just be in line at anytime and it was eeny meeny miney moe.

Jack was nimble but little jack horner put him on a corner too

There was jack being quick to say any coxk el do .

Those three blind mice who had falling so far

Suffered never seeing a twinkle little star

The cast of this little piggy's story was sang

The farmer in the dell , solomon grundy and the muffin man went out with a bang

So it's told simple simon went rub a dub dub on top of old smokey

Playing patty-cake with mary quite contrary was kept on the lowkey

So when little miss muffet was smoking the pounds away

Peter piper and tommy tucker both came out they were gay

So as the story would like us all to believe

Happy ever after won't ever exist to these

And a long long time ago this might have been fact

The itsy bitsy spider was hickory dickory black.

A written poetic speech from a member of the gay community

No name

“I’m Screaming ! Don’t pretend you can’t see me!”

/my voice is like a ginsu knife

/ it cuts and slices

/ even if i try to be nice

/ my gay tone scares you

/like a movie from vincent price

/ when you go to sleep

/ you can't fall

/into a deep sleep

/ homosexuallity keeps you up so late

/you count sheep

/ so why should i

/try to fight

/ a stereotype
/ you seem to like

/ i don't care

/it makes people like me unite

/ to shatter that berlin type wall

/in to bits

/ and if trump builds another

/it's on bitch

/ so take a deep breath as if

/you don't have another left
/ trying to educate or understand you

/would take until i face death

/ so jus like when veterans

/fought for better lands

/ you know i ain't tryin to hear your shit

/so talk to both hands

/ so try to just lock us all up

/into the closet like a dam cage

/ then you will see our rage

/ bitch ima make news


/ read my headline  

/you piece of bigot

/today's your deadline

/ shut up and you already spoke

/ now its my time !

Class flyer

Jour320 (3.0 units)

Race & Gender in the Media


--Course Description--

Professor Miller at his best in the role he was born to play.  Nicknamed “The Devil’s Advocate in this course where you views,  beliefs and opinions will be tested.  A course where a good argument is a healthy breakfast and opinion is a four letter word .  All in great conversation while exploring the roles and stereotypes of gender , race and social class are perceived and presented in mass media in the past on up to present day !

--Student testimonial--

-J.Ripp A.R.C. freshman communications major: “Prof.Miller is what you hope to encounter in your college career . A caring professor with a passion for the course he is teaching . Making it a fun and very eye opening trip through the world of mass media and he actually glows with a sense of pride when he can spark a good debate. Course is so fun and enjoyable with such a terrific educator leading the way you start to forget it's a class rather than a club and hang out spot.”Emphasizing critical thinking through reviewing the contributions of diverse groups then , now and the future in brought to light from the world's mass media outlet

--Message from the professor!--

Prof.Miller : “ Dealing with current issues it can get very lively . Come to class take notes pay attention and participate and we can have a lot of fun . Whether a journalism major or other fields of interest you will not be disappointed having signed up for “Race and Gender in the Media”!

The illiad

James Saling

Short essay #1

(The Iliad)


     There are many times in history that one can say yep that's going to be remembered for sure. Homer's writing of The Iliad relating it to the Greeks is easily something that would be used as a reference guide even today's current society.

       The Iliad was the story of Achilles the mythical figure and perfect symbol or poster child for what the definition of what hubris was. Achilles mother, herself a God, told him if he stayed out of the war of the Trojans he would get married and have many babies living a long happy life. However if he chose to fight in the Trojan War for the Greeks he would be glorious and brave in battle and his name forever remembered throughout the sands of time.

         Tragically this great Glory also came hand-in-hand with his own demise. Knowing what will make him great will also be his undoing , he still chooses to fight anyway.


       Homer was trying to help prevent this from happening to the Greeks as well. He could see that the Greeks for feeling so much pride and their own feeling of greatness was to be the sole reason for their downfall as well.

        The Greeks knowing this and what it would lead to could not help themselves in preventing it irregardless. Coming to no surprise they did suffer the similar fate of The Iliad’s hero Achilles. The hubris of both Achilles and the Greeks making them great it also made it possible for for their demise.

       This is a perfect reflection of people even in today's society. clearly if you lead was a standard paperback it would truly be a definition of a classic that's relevance can stand the test of people and time.

Code of hammarubi

James saling

Short essay 2

(Code of hammurabi)

          History being completely open to interpretation and perception can cause Skeptics to want to debate many different things The Code of Hammurabi rule was documented to leave very little room or gray areas and in my 1790 BCE The Babylon King issued laws concerning everything from crime punishment legal procedure and even marriage. This was the Code of Hammurabi.

       Meant to be reassuring to  others this priest-king had divine duty to uphold maintain justice and punish the wicked while upholding the welfare and wellbeing of the people.

       The first set of laws written in stone to be followed or supper Justice in the eye for an eye concept with over a 782 laws by contrast to today's society doesn't seem like much.  Clearly though they had issues on the table that were affecting all of them.

         While the feeling of some laws being a little bit much while others being too little was probably common, it  was thought that to behave and enjoy life now was the best option in this day in age. We clearly see how in a chaotic society and civilization does not and cannot see a world without chaos as a reality. Following laws and doing what you should was in your best interest. For the laws made had swift and harsh punishment that our society  would feel was a bit extreme but. Having laws knowing broken laws can have justice be served may have truly made the average guy feel so much safer.

       It wouldn't even be the tip of the iceberg nowadays but its relevance to create some kind of order to avoid chaos the Code of Hammurabi certainly did that for its time.