Monday, May 1, 2017

West civ notes 5

Western Civ Notes.

Words to google



Spartans avoid commerce why?

Professor wrightson theory is the italians fear death the most because they eat the best

Warrior aristocracy

500 bushmen 1 bushman for 1 drachma

Gave merchants who didn't own land equality overthrowing warrior aristocracy

500 aristocrats

500-300 horsemen cavalry

300-200 hoplites weak armor

200 rowers navy

Poverty and overpopulation egypt's big issue

Athens council chosen by lottery





Abstract family gives individuality give or serve the polis gives u more praises as individual

Order / chaos mesopotamia and egypt

Reason for greatness same reason for demise hummus

Achilles alexander the great (second coming of achilles) both individuals

Alexander great disobeyed and betrayed dad

Egypt had Me at

Mesopotamia had book of hammurabi

Supplemental food supply was done planting crops in foothills and agriculture began

Egypt had predictable nile

Mesopotamia had tigris and euphrates rivers very unpredictable and destructive

Growing crops leads to food surplus to growing population leads to more etc.

Egypt's 3 kingdoms old middle and new kingdom

Amun and ra were two mythical figures that new kingdom combined to make the amun-ra

Hammurabi preached that the after life consists of dark cave and drinking sand and eating clay so live in the now

Egypt lived by the be good now so that u have paradise in the afterlife if soul outweighs feather u r doomed

God of mesopotamia marduk god of chaos

Democracy comes from forced equality

Bronze made with copper and tin

Iron discovered by accident

Goddess timet believed to be god caused chaos

Osiris god of vegetation

ra/re is god of sun

Hypothesis made by finding same thing written in 3 different ways

3 regions had rice china wheat mesopotamia and corn .

Nomadic women discovered agriculture

If u build a house and it collapse killing someone son your son must die too eye for an eye situation

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