Monday, May 1, 2017

Scholarship essay (bs)

How has my family contributed to making me who i am today .   

There is an age old title of the one kid in a family that is called the black sheep. Now if you reverse the meaning of that it would really sum up what describes me in my family.

The youngest of four and a different dad than my sister and brothers had . Two brothers one sister and their dad died before I was conceived  

So the opposite of the black sheep in my family my brothers,my brother in law ,my sister my two step dads and even my mother have all done time in prison . Never less than six month periods . My family helped make me into the person I am today because of their example they set. Which had nothing what so ever appealing to me that I would even consider making any of the mistakes they did.

From theft and assault to drugs and robbery I was shown not only a horrid example to follow but the direct negative consequences that type of behavior held.

So seeing my niece grow up without her father due to him being locked up for the first 14 years of her life on a bank robbery sentence.  The unimaginable pain my mother suffered as she buried her first husband when he killed himself in a car crash . Then buried her second husband when he overdosed on heroin . The. Her fiance killed under suspicious circumstances. Then my oldest brother loving the fast lane selling drugs and living life on the edge then at 22 years old lost control of his trans am stock car on an interstate at 135 mph and when the crash smoke cleared my brother was paralyzed and his best friend lost his life . Then my other brother becoming addicted to smoking PCP and now Is a paranoid skitzo with delusion hallucinations and is unable to be able to live independently .

My mother herself ended up in prison at one point when she embezzled over $3000 thou it was for a beloved friend of hers who was diagnosed with aids when aids was first being discovered it's still a crime .

So I have never done time in jail EVER. I indulged or experimented with drug use. I am no thief . I love to do volunteer work.  I am an athlete.  I am the first to graduate high school in my family dating back to the late 1800s.  I most certainly be the dist to graduate from college and I a big believer that things like pure pressure, shoe shining and posturing.

I am a hard worker . I live alone and work full whole .I am taking 16 units in school and I find a way to enjoy my life as much as possible.  

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