Monday, May 1, 2017

West civ notes 3

Western civ notes

Epic of Gilgamesh greatest work of Mesopotamian literature 2000 BCE utilizing legends about Gilgamesh a historical figure who ruled the city of uruk 2600 BCE . Accept reality there is no escape from death .

Code of hammurabi issued about 1790 -1750 BCE by Babylonian king code of laws 782 laws cover everything from marriage marriage crime punishment and legal procedure . Prologue to the code reveals Mesopotamian concept of a priest king in it he assured he had divine duty to uphold justice punish the wicked and further the welfare of the people eye for an eye and pay for monetary compensation .

Scientific thinking viewed physical nature impersonal and governed by universal law

Mythical thinking views nature as personified with individual
Gods and demons do things according to their desires .

Ethical monotheism the belief that one God who demands righteous of his creations

Mesopotamia and Egypt laws were given by the gods

Greeks came to realize laws created by man.

Paleolithic ,60000-10000

Neolithic 10000-3000

Bronze age 3000-1000

Egypt 2700 - 323

Assyrian 911-612

Persian 550-330

Babylonian 612-539

Iron 1200 on

Symmerian earliest civilization created due to climate change Mesopotamia had to alter way of life

Symmerian city women and slaves prepared meals were in the home so to speak

Barley south wheat North

Veggies cheese dates figs fish all supplement diet and calories came from beer ale

Euphrates and Tigris rivers  flooded it was an angry act of God for them being too loud when he was sleeping. 

People viewed themselves as.slaves of gods

Demons caused illness

2800 writing and documenting laws and history began. 

Babylonian king employed code of hammurabi

In this society women had rights could hold position of power etc

Architecture said a lot of a society and it's values and behavior .

1560 Egypt rebelled against the hyksos .

Warrior aristocracy



1200 BCE iron discover by accident

Assyrian had skilled armies

579 Babylonian fell to Persia with very little struggle .

Greek city states had four stages ruled by King was monarchy

Seized by power tyranny's

Ruled by people democracy

Aristocrats and landowners obligatory

Solon was traveling and poet

Sophists said man is measure of all things meaning good and evil truth and false hood are all matters of individualism judgement

Dialectics logical discussions

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