Monday, May 1, 2017

Water wasting future

         Water scarcity solution

       The issue of water becoming so scarce in the next 10 to 15 years is a serious reality. The solutions are as clear as the water we drink.

       The areas that face draught issues more often than others need to make more strict penalties on over useage. By doing so this would make more home owners likely to refrain from over watering and so forth but those laws need to be applied to all water customers.

     So often it's seen that large apartment complexes are consistently over watering theie landscapes even when it is in fact raining. There is also the unattended sprinklers that are automated which have broken parts and so forth causing major water wasting . That taking place in one small part of one small town speaks volumes as to what impact places with neglectful use of the water all over the entire world alone can cause .

     So it's time to start listening and stop believing the b.s. that everything is fine with the planet and start realizing that soon there won't be a plane to take care of.  

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