Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Category list

Lists for each category

By : Jimmy Ripp

Things I am an expert in :

1)Annoying behavior

2)Pro Wrestling match and character analysis

3)Judge on what cards to push with at what times of a poker tournament

Things I have lost :

1)My storage unit (Which had ten years of photos and other memorabilia of my career in wrestling and entertainment

2)My mind (but never really used that anyway)

3)Quite a few family members including most recently a life long friend to my family passed away from cancer.

Signs that winter has arrived :

1)I cannot sleep without a blanket anymore tells me winter has arrived

2)It finally begins to get cooler as the evening goes on rather than get hotter.

3)People begin to dress less revealing and more bundled.

What's in my body :

1)I actually shudder to think.

2)Way too much coffee

3)Some junk fast food which is not common with me at all and my body is reminding me it's not happy with my lunch choice

Things people have said to me :

1)If it was negative , rude or with harmful intent i would not have remembered cause those words do reach me.

2)I had a professor say that in his 20+ years as a college professor i was to him and i quote “The most unorthodox prolific writer he has ever encountered.”

What to take on the journey :

1)Is there a specific journey to make a list from ?

Things to make a list of :

1)Make a list of things to make a list of is the obvious first choice

2)pros and cons of a relationship or job decision etc.


4)top ten faves whether it be movies music and so on.

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