Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Can't wait any longer

I cant wait any longer

By : Jimmy Ripp

I recall the moment of seconds when i experienced an eternity of skipped breaths and heartbeats.

I couldn't wait to meet her

So i waited.

I selected my most opportunistic window to enter attempting this foreseen in my dream courtship.

The need for proper execution and strategy needed to be a slow and deliberate yet serendipitous with genuine but mild urgency rather than pushed and rushed emergergency.

Oh wow i cannot to begin to discover all mystique and splendor that is her living being

So i waited

My soul’s written planned path to her heart love and affection was clear.

I couldn't wait to have that feeling of her embrace imprinted on my soul but with no question or doubt of her desired destiny mirrors mine.

So i waited

It has all progressed better than I had seen in any whimsical wish of mine come to life. Better than imagined or fantasize .

I couldn't wait to experience all of life with her.

But i know i want every second to resemble that eternity of euphoria .

So i waited .

Just waited for what would come in fates arms to be delivered to us.

What experiences that would include

So i waited

As i had to run off for severals errands that needed satisfied much as my desire for her.

To finish to set free the possibilities of countless moments that could incur later with the removed shackles of obligations.

I could truly breath in her presence.

But wait,

I was filling my souls airways with her intoxicating air for me to inhale.

Yet I couldn't wait

I didn't wait

Nor look either. I didn't see breath or feel anything but her.

In that blink i couldn't wait no more.

Feel no more

I didn't wait and now.
I must wait for her here in eternity that feels eternal without her.

For by living for the moment i narrowed my willingness to live at all and i couldn't wait .
Now i have no choice but do so

So i'm waiting .

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