Wednesday, October 18, 2017

debate speech outline format very rough first draft

James Saling (with Luis )
Speech Debate Class
Favoring the legalization of prostitution

   Make “Providers” Provide

          There is a well known profession that has carried the moniker “world's oldest profession”. Nowadays these members of this workforce like to refer to themselves as “escorts” or even “providers”. No matter what name you use they all are simply people who trade sexual favors for money.  This line of work, older than our country itself,will always be an issue. So instead of the current system to combat this “crime” a clear more well suited solution is to embrace it, assign a legislation, establish realistic laws to properly moderate it and tax the hell out of the incomes of these “fantasy fulfillers”.

(first paragraph regards to what financial projections and so forth would be as well and what good that tax dollars could do)
(second  discuss the health safety and violent crime to providers would be able to avert.  Like free and mandatory monthly HIV test drug /abuse counseling/ safe designated  places to provide/as well as education and less jail crowded situations but with heavier stern punishment to violates new law and structure)

(Third will display how easily this idea can be employed.)

(Fourth will conclude)


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