Wednesday, October 18, 2017

final draft of death penalty speech

James Saling
Speech Debate 311
Group neg.c
In favor death penalty

                               The Death Penalty
                   (Remove the guilty not the punishment)

Crimes and violent acts such as murder will seemingly always be an issue in our society. So realistically there is no sure fire way to eliminate this problem. Therefore removing the death penalty from the justice system that was put in place to help have the punishment fit the crime is not an option that we should even be considering. The death penalty should not only remain but it should be a mandatory policy in all fifty United States. Furthermore it should be an automatic sentence for those that are convicted of certain degrees of murder. If they have taken a life and show no value for human life then why should their life be valued?
Recent events have shown a perfect example of this. In Las Vegas , Nevada this past week from a hotel window a man armed to the teeth opened fire on a concert crowd killing 60 and injuring hundreds. The suspect in this case had he been apprehended was responsible for the largest mass murder in U.S. history. Now think of this nearly 60 dead , hundreds injured and countless more that will be so psychologically traumatized by the whole ordeal. Can you say without batting an eyelash that this man would have deserved to be put to death had he not taken his own life before being apprehended.  He was referred to as “A very quiet , eerie kept to himself type.” This statement taken from a person who knew him as reported by the BBC online. So had he been caught how likely do you think his attorney would have pleaded insanity for this man?
In 2009 , the California Department of Corrections website reported that there are 2.2 million inmates in American prisons and close to 1.8 million of them are serving sentences that were given from plea bargains. Many suspects charged with murder take plea bargains to avoid the death penalty. Those convicted who avoid this with plea bargains can face life in prison however can potentially somehow receive appeals to possibly get paroled out of jail altogether. Additionally those who plead insanity may never see prison time and can be set free in as little as 6 months time. Now it is difficult to fathom that it would not bother the average person how a suspect cold enough to kill another human being and smart enough to fool everyone into believing they are insane could be walking the streets again in less than a year.
    74% of all murder trials in the United States never see a trial and are settled with a plea bargain. This makes the death penalty a fear for murderers who are already incarcerated but it does not work as a way to keep people from committing murder. However making capital punishment an automatic sentence for certain types of murder would certainly make it difference. Other countries are proof of that. Forensic Sciences International had done a study and their research that was done from 2006 to 2009 showed that the U.S. had five times more amount of murders committed than the country with the 2nd highest murder rate. Imagine how many more times rate we would have compared to the dozens of other countries as you go further down the list.
    There are far deeper issues to consider as well. Naturally there are two sets of families of victims when there is a murder and the murderer is given the death penalty . A report in 2007 done by a publication called “Justice Quarterly” stated that one third of inmates on death row did show remorse for the lives they affected and the crimes they committed. Quite often this one third had given the victims families their apologies and expressed regret. In quite a few cases the condemned even offered up locations of bodies of their victims before being put to death. Giving the families of their lost loved one a chance to give them their own proper burial service and providing a bit of closure to their life long pain. The person being executed can have a family as well and their family may feel like their loved one is being murdered as well. Studies like this one showed that both sides were able to heal and continue on when given support and even more so when both sides were able to be civilized and achieve a dialogue that opened the lines of communication even.
    The online information site “Owlcation” showed evidence that from the 1960s to the 1990s over 60 inmates convicted of murder that managed to be released from prison did in fact kill again. There are over 700 inmates serving time on death row. 30 of those have been convicted of 6 or more murders. Now that is only what they are convicted of. What about the ones that they may have done that they were not convicted of or confessed to. The L.A.Times Newspaper did a study and found that 12% of those on death row are guilty of murdering children. This is the type of person you want to allow to live?
    Well over 200,000 murder cases remain unsolved in the U.S. So with that staggering number catching a guilty person who has killed is seemingly a few and far between thing. NPR reported this and with legal loopholes, plea bargains and possibly parole this cannot be a type of person anyone would want to see receive freedom or live out their life in jail. Which for some can end up being a life far better than the one they were facing when they did not have shelter , meals and so on provided for them.
    Many times you will hear of a death row inmate who claims to have discovered religion and has been “Saved” as the term goes. Religious beliefs and the freedom of deciding that for  yourself are everyone’s right of course. However religious groups define the death penalty as attempting to “Play God” and are completely opposed to capital punishment. The magazine publication “Reader’s Digest” had an article that contained a paragraph with this idea. Your beliefs are your right. To disagree is mine. To say that “God would not want us playing “God” for him is , as they say in court, admissible . See if you are going to make that claim , since God is not stepping forward to speak for his/her self, then you must concede that while that statement could be true , it could also be true that god gave a person the vision and ability to invent and develop the means to executed a person guilty of murder. Only a hypocrite would deny that to be a fair argument because if you are to be respected for your beliefs and convictions then you certainly must offer the same in return. Otherwise you are basically saying “Only my way can be true. Not yours.” Kind of hard to support such an unfair policy.
    There is only one clear correct decision that can made on this subject. Although both our sides have legit arguments and strong cases when you have such a close race so to speak you must weigh the pros and cons and go to the scorecards. While either decision is difficult to make the age old saying goes, “The right ones are always the most difficult.”

2nd post WAC conference paragraph

James Saling
Post conference summary

        Upon completion of my second draft of the seech titled “the death penalty: the punishment that fits the crime” i received great remarks on the use of sources as well as my speech structure. During my WAC conference I expressed a lack of confidence in the way I acted my sources and was shown how to properly enter them better in Microsoft word and will practice doing so before submitting my final draft to my professor .

sources and works cited format first draft page

James Salinger (with luis )
Speech debate Class
In favor of legalizing prostitution
Research,  sources and other topics and sources Cited

Categories of Predicted Debate rebuttals and questions .

debate speech outline format very rough first draft

James Saling (with Luis )
Speech Debate Class
Favoring the legalization of prostitution

   Make “Providers” Provide

          There is a well known profession that has carried the moniker “world's oldest profession”. Nowadays these members of this workforce like to refer to themselves as “escorts” or even “providers”. No matter what name you use they all are simply people who trade sexual favors for money.  This line of work, older than our country itself,will always be an issue. So instead of the current system to combat this “crime” a clear more well suited solution is to embrace it, assign a legislation, establish realistic laws to properly moderate it and tax the hell out of the incomes of these “fantasy fulfillers”.

(first paragraph regards to what financial projections and so forth would be as well and what good that tax dollars could do)
(second  discuss the health safety and violent crime to providers would be able to avert.  Like free and mandatory monthly HIV test drug /abuse counseling/ safe designated  places to provide/as well as education and less jail crowded situations but with heavier stern punishment to violates new law and structure)

(Third will display how easily this idea can be employed.)

(Fourth will conclude)


The Creation of Creation

The Creation of Creation
By: James Saling

    In the vast and endless beauty of the Kingdom of Euphoric Eternity the one known only as “Creator” sat quietly watching his creation galavant around laughing and carefree. It was Creator’s greatest activity to enjoy seeing his creation so happy and having fun. He called to his creation only known as “Young One” . Tell him “Come young one i have something amazing and wonderful to show you for it is also a gift i give to you.” This is the full account the conversation that followed.

-“Creator ! Creator !”
-”Yes young one?”
-”Oh my that was so incredible ! After that ear deafening big bang to see all the lights , the explosions , the perfectly shaped spheres that began rotating around that giant energy source, i was literally astounded by the event.
-”Yes my creation , it was quite a series of events to get to see wasn’t it?”
-”Yes Creator, but um…...what is it though?”
-”I am pleased you asked. This , my source of happiness, is my gift to you.”
-”Gift? It isn’t my creation celebration I don’t understand why I would receive a gift. There are others far more deserving Creator.”
-”Young One, Gifts are given on any day for any reason or for no reason at all.  So gifts received need only be appreciated and cherished to be deserved.”
-”Oh of course . I would cherish any type of gift and for any reason I promise creator I wish do so with this gift as well. Much like I do with your other gifts of light , air , nourishment, and even my own existence. However i have to ask ……..”
-”I was getting to that part . You see this gift i give you  is somewhat of a blank canvas for you to create on.”
-”A canvas?”
-”So to speak …..yes. I’ve always took in every second of fulfilment seeing my creation grow and grow. So now I want you , my creation , to enjoy that same feeling as i will enjoy watching you become a creator too,.”
-”Me ? A creator? This who entire universe is mine to create with?”
-”Yes young one. However , do remember the talk we had regarding the word responsibility?”
-”Oh yes of course. I try to make sure i never forget a single lesson i get to have from you. I have not disappointed in carrying out your teachings have I?”
-”Oh no . You have truly far exceeded all my hopes of what I wanted to see you do. So that is the reason for this gift,this universe this new responsibility. This will hold all that your imagination can fill it with and you will be in charge of its safety , its care and future as well.”
-”Mine? Under your watchful eye and guidance right creator?”
-”No . yours and yours alone.”
-”But i cannot create and care for a whole entire universe alone!”
-”Young one you are far more capable of more than perhaps you will ever even know. I have the utmost faith and trust in you. I am certain you will do great things.”
-” Creator . Why this for me? I don’t understand.”
-”And you will don't always have to nor will always be able to . However when you have found within you how you wish your universe to begin to take shape always remember to take time out to sit much like i have with you today and appreciate all the little amazing things that your creation does that give you pride and happiness.”
-”I can and will try creator.”
-”My young creation……..that is all you ever have to do because when you try you have already defeated and overcome failure. You have never restricted or limited on time or space to create . Whatever dreams you can strum up from a slumber , any story you wish to see become real, any form of existence you wish to give life to and allowing that existence to have all the same gifts love and joy you receive . Not to mention permitting that life freedom and free will to have choices if they desire to make them. The way you see fit to develope your universe will be solely up to you and never questioned. You have infinite space and infinite time to fill that space however you wish to. You will never be perfect. You will make many mistakes. Please young one do not ever feel flawed because of it. You just need to remember that if disasters occur or at times ideas go array it is all part of your learning process. Sort of a trial and error concept.
- “Wait, Creator…..I am concerned. What if I am not able to dream up anything? What if I cannot fill this space completely? What do I do if I cannot find direction? What if i become distracted, sidetracked or just get tired and wish not to continue? What if I don’t like the creation I have invented? Worst yet…...what if my creation does not like me? What if I need help? Creator….what if … should I… will I…….how can I……..
- “Young one come and sit next to me. My great creation……..since you first released light and became a being I have stood by and watched you evolve. I have felt so many of those exact feelings and worries you express to me now.
- “What did you do to calm your fears and worries creator?
- “I have never stopped having all those feelings everyday young creation.
- “Creator , This responsibility seems like punishment more than a gift to me.
- “This is surely a gift young one and should always be thought of as such.
- “I did not mean to sound ungrateful creator. I hope you do not feel I am.
- “Not at all young one. I know you are and I know you will cherish every minute of your creation and its evolution much as I have with you. So just as I am repsonsible for you now you will embrace embarking on your own journey only on a greater scale. You will oversee the most complex ,amazing and rewarding responsibility imaginable. You will face fears, joys, triumphs, failures, and you will accept them all. You will experience trial and error, You will change your creations only to change them again and again. You will have great visions and see them thru. You will have rhyme with and without reason. Overcoming adversity and unsureness will go side by side with enjoying unmeasureable happiness. You will have blind faith and confidence. At times you will clear your canvas and start over perhaps several times before getting it the way you want it.”
- “But will I be able to make it all perfect like you have done for me?”
- “ Oh my great gift please learn this now and always to ensure you never feel frustration, anger or regret. Nothing is perfect nor can it be. That is what is so perfect about it. So never doubt yourself or your decisions. Being imperfect is a perfect way to be.”
- “I do not see how things will never be perfect by that it is perfect? I am so confused.”
- I know you feel that way now. Do not worry . Hopefully you will never achieve perfection in your mind. That way you will never stop attempting to find new ways to improve everything you create. Do you see why that is a perfect way to be?”
- “Yes I do understand that now. I like that idea and like you said creator…...Ideas are far better than beliefs . Ideas can be modified and improved on. This is so much of a responsibility thou , you are certain I am ready for it?”
- “I am completely certain. I also know I will get to see some of the greatest creations ever made from you. I know you will achieve great things and enjoy them as I will while enjoying your existance that I created.”
- “Creator , there are just two other things I must know if I may ask of you?”
- “Of course my beloved creation. You will always have the free will to ask anything you feel the need to ask . Be mindfull of this thou . There will be times where the answers you recieve may not be the ones you seek and other times the answer may be “no” or perhaps not come at all.
- “Okay creator I understand. So what I hoped to learn was this. IF this universe I am to fill is meant to bring happiness and joy then A) why must fear, saddness, pain and sorrow go hand in hand with all the good? And B) why bestow this gift/burden on one of your cherished creations (me.) ?
- Balance is always a part of anything throughout your entire existance my young one. The good can be soooo great to have but the bad can leave great wisdom, vision and lessons to be learned. I place this onto you for I know what wonderful thihngs you will create and accomplish with it. I will be able to have so much fulfilment as well from the good,bad,ups,downs and the growing you do from it as i will live thru your eyes in the process. You will also get to feel this way countless times with each creation you bring to life as well.”
- “Creator. Thank you. For everything. The good, the bad, the easy, the hard, the joys, the sorrows and most of all just for my existance.”
- “You are welcome. Thank you young one for being a wonderful creation.”
- “Oh creator before I go off on my journey……”
- “Yes young one?”
- “I love you father!”
- “I love you too my child!”

                THE END

post WAC conference

James Saling

                     Orientation / Structure
                       (Post Conference Journal Entry)

    To enable making referencing research and finding facts regarding being in favor of the death penalty (which is what my speech/research is about) I have determined dividing everything into specific categories and then organizing them alphabetically will be most beneficial to use when the speech debate begins. This will give me quick easy to find facts and rebuttals to ensure being most prepared and keeping the opposing view team off guard and unable to have quick and strong arguments to combat mine.