Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Fictional product company

                                                    OneTouch Reality
“The Reality Check Mobile Device”
(One Touch and you'll be hooked)

By : James Saling & Elijah

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Fictional company
Engwr 101

Company name : One Touch Reality

Product : “The Reality Check”  a new virtual reality portable v.r.unit that has the function of laptop an Android cell phone and tablet combine.  

Target audience : all ages 8 and up .
Achieve everything in reality virtually not achieved before.
2% of all profit go to support everyone getting to go to college free.
Benefits : medical field use . Video gaming . School work . Traveling ( such as in history class) . Cell phone and video calling. Social media. Online virtual grocery shopping . Online shopping etc.

We are one touch reality . Developers and inventors of the “The reality check “ . A portable virtual reality unit that combines the functions of a tablet , laptop mp4 player, Android phone and so much more.  We have revolutionized the virtual reality experience and transformed it into a
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Fictional company
Engwr 101

voice operated mobile device you can just simply clip onto any pair of your favorite glasses or prescription eyewear  band have everything at you voice command.  This device is so simply it is suitable for ages 8 and above.  Our device gives the opportunity to provide endless possibilities and usages with the p.v.r. unit the staff at o.t.r. are working toward the advancement of technology for the greater good. Also with a 5% of the gross profit going toward funding to ensure college be free for all qualified students wishing to go to college. We believe also that out fun exciting work environment at our factory or at our corporate offices and our noone is better or more important than the next open door policy we don't have the keys to success but we designed the lock the keys are used for if you get our analogy. Which means success for our product our employees and every great mind we help receive a college degree that may not have otherwise . That all adds up to virtually a great reality to see for the future.  One touch reality and the reality check. One Touch…….and you'll be hooked !

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Fictional company
Engwr 101

The unit which adopts the Bluetooth earpiece design along with a sporty style of eyewear has dual ear pieces along with duel mini microphones . The sound that has a full surround sound to it along with the mics leaves the “can you hear me now ?” Feeling a thing of the distant past.

The bar across the top is where the micro processors and terrabyte harddrive along with all the working functions of its motherboard are stored which is very slim and small and light as a feather to avoid any bulk eyeglasses feeling.  The lens that rests easily over any set of eyeglasses or can standalone is a clear translucent screen and when activated can take you anywhere. Whether is a Skype type video call , the roman ruins to study Western Civilization history or a real time like k to satellite views of traffic and so on . Our p.v.r. unit can truly do it all. Imagine a history class that was taught virtually in the land and ruins in which it actually took
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Fictional company
Engwr 101

place. .How bout a brain expert surgeon halfway around the world is needed in an emergency surgery with the p.v.r. is able to coincide with other surgeons on hand to perform the surgery perfectly to save a life. With our p.v.r.unit the reality check the possibilities are truly endless.
We intend to go to electronic expos and conventions to begin our marketing . With hands on demonstrations with varied ages of our specified 8 years old and up doing amazing things with the p.v.r.making it undeniable it's value worth and future.  With the introductory programs standard and the basic personal design need installation the service retail price will be $499.99 with $100 add o. Specialty packages. We have three different contracts with the banks to enable financing to nearly any credit type with the policy…..If you do pay you don't play . Making it easy for all those who love the device to be able to own their very own . So along with the 5% toward ensuring college for everyone we will also be donating an entire set needed to any schools across the world who wish to

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Fictional company
Engwr 101

implement the p.v.r. into teaching any course or curriculum completely free of charge with the school needing only required to pay the monthly service fee for that package. After the initial sales boom we will not waste useful money on dumb ads that do not make people decide to buy things. We will instead invest in the furthering of education. And promote the sales of our unit that way while giving back to every community in the process. One Touch Reality making dreams a reality for everyone ! 

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