Friday, July 20, 2018

Mathmatical Enigma

Mathmatical Enigma

By: Jimmy Ripp

I am a mathematical Enigma a mixed number a form of a way to write the number pi while I refuse to become part of a lower common denomination I choose to bypass the predetermined instructions of incorrect proportioning by the equations attempting to calculate my multiplying perimeter hoping to conform me into that mold of just another improper fraction type my circumference of value remains while the numbers of negative try to subtract deduct and divide a high percentage of completion work covers the page my primary positives are what I try to add all of the time the sons of smiles multiply and increase viable and valuable down to every detail decimal point but I refuse to be rounded off to simplify it for those trying to shrink my ratio comparing me and the correct answer for myself no one will dictate my any value no lowest terms no method or use could solve my resolve never to be counted as a statistically impaired I will take on life's words for it's true Absolute Total value I cannot be bargained altered reduced rounded estimated or modified under any circumstance like the number that Pi represents I cannot sit oddly or ignore evenly nor be seen as a small percentage of my true denomination configure in calculated any way you see fit to try you clearly know nothing of the average differential that lies in my net worth see because I am a mathematical Enigma that refuses to ever be a contemplative solution.